Mixed Media/Collage 1990-present
In this portfolio you will find a selection of work made from 1990 - present. Over the past 20 years I have been experimenting with making hand-made paper from cotton linters. I cast the paper pulp over flat objects and when it has dried I peel the dried paper off the flat objects. I then collage the paper onto the surface that I will be using to paint on - sometimes wood, sometimes canvas. Next I will trowel on a medium/marble dust mixture or sometimes medium/sand mixture. When the surface has finally dried gesso gets applied and when the gesso dries I am then ready to paint! In the fall of 2008, I was an artist-in-residence at the Leighton Colony - part of the Banff Centre of the Arts. I spent time in their well equipped paper making studio as well as in the painting studio. I hope to begin a new body of mixed media work using similar techniques.